| Performance Tools 2000
11th International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for
Computer Performance Evaluation
March 27 - 31, 2000,Motorola University, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA
In 2000 the "Performance Tools" (TOOLS 2000) conference will, for the
first time, be held in the USA. In particular, TOOLS 2000 will be organised
as part of a joint conference, together with the IEEE International
Performance and Dependability Symposium (IPDS 2000).
Both conferences will be hosted at the premises of Motorola University, and
will share tutorials, tool presentations, invited speakers, social events
and possibly some session. Participants will be allowed to attend sessions
of both conferences. The two conferences have separate programme committees
(with some deliberate overlaps), and two proceedings will be published (for
IPDS with IEEE CS Press and for TOOLS with Springer Verlag).
Performance and dependability evaluation have proven themselves as useful
guides in the design of computer and communication systems (be they
centralised, distributed, parallel or fault-tolerant). These evaluation
techniques, however, will only become an integrated part of system design
trajectories when full tool support for them is available. The aim of the
"Performance Tools" conference series has been (and is) to further develop
the theory and technology for tool-based performance and dependability
evaluation of computer and communication systems. Important themes for
the 11th issue of this successful conference series include (but are not
restricted to):
- software tools for system performance and dependability evaluation;
- evaluation techniques (analytic, numeric and simulative) for system
performance and dependability;
- measurement-based tools and techniques for system performance and
- performance and dependability evaluation techniques based on formal
methods, such as process algebras, Petri nets and automata;
- case studies showing the role of performance and dependability eva-
luation in the design of computer and communication systems;
- application studies in the area of centralised and distributed computer
systems, communication networks (incl. Internet), WWW, real-time, fault-
tolerant and embedded systems.
Paper submissions should contain previously unpublished work and not exceed
more than 20 double-spaced pages devoted to one (or more) of the themes of
the conference. All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of
the programme committee. Accepted papers will be published in a volume of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer Verlag) devoted to the conference.
The registration of at least one of the authors should accompany the
camera-ready copy submission.
Authors are required to submit their papers electronically, as postscript
files, via the world-wide web.
At this address, also other relevant information for the conference
will be made available. For any remaining inquiries, please contact
either of the two programme committee chairs, Boudewijn Haverkort or
Connie Smith.
Proposals to present and
demonstrate tools for performance and dependability evaluation of
computer and communication systems are also sollicited. Next to being
demonstrated, accepted tools will be presented in short (10 minute)
presentations (in a joint session with IPDS 2000) and will be allowed
a 4 page summary in the TOOLS 2000 proceedings (LNCS volume of
Springer Verlag). Please contact the tools chair, Aad van Moorsel, or the special web-page for
tool submissions.
Tutorial proposals are
sollicited on various topics concerning the performance and
dependability evaluation of computer and communication systems. Please
contact the tutorial chair, Sachin Garg or the
special web-page for
tutorial submissions.
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