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October, 2007 - A selection of photographs taken during QEST is available. Click here to browse the photo gallery.

May, 2007 - Special issue of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering on Quantitative Evaluation of Computer Systems

Guest Editors
Jane Hillston, Edinburgh University
Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Birmingham
Miklos Telek, Budapest University of Technology and Economy

Important Dates
  • Guest Editors receive emailed titles and abstracts by 12-Jan-08
  • Full paper submissions submitted into Manuscript Central by 19-Jan-08
  • First round of reviews completed by 19-Mar-08
  • Major revisions due by 19-May-08
  • Second round of reviews completed by 19-Jun-08
  • Minor revisions due by 3-Jul-08
  • Final acceptances given to Authors by 10-Jul-08
  • Publication materials due by 24-Jul-08
  • Publication tentatively in late 2008 issue
Follow the link Special issue of IEEE TSE for all the details.

May, 2007 - Submissions from Graduate students in the form of proposals for posters describing their work is open. Proposals should be sent to Professor Rob Pooley - - by 18th May 2007. Follow the link Submissions for all the details.

April, 2007 - The tools paper deadline is 15 May 2007.
Follow the link Submissions for all the details.

March, 2007 - Submission deadlined have been extended.
Follow the link Submissions for all the details.

February, 2007 - Submission to QEST 2007 is now open.
Full papers should be submitted through EasyChair, follow the link Submissions for all the details.

January, 2007 - Thanks to some sponsorship, there will be some bursaries available for PhD students to attend the conference. Details of eligibility and application procedure will appear later.

December, 2006 - A best-paper award will be presented at the conference. Selected papers will appear in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

16 November, 2006 - The PDF file of the Call for Paper is now available.

14 September, 2006 - Preliminary information on QEST 2007 are available. Keep visiting these pages for more details.

Oct 07
QEST'07 photo album available. [read more]

Sep 07
Graduate symposium and list of accepted posters [read more]

Jun 07
Accepted papers

Accepted tool papers

May 07
Special issue of IEEE TSE [read more]

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