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9th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) 2012


Registration is now open via Regonline. The fees are (normal/student): GBP 505/440.
We require a distinct full rate (non-student) registration for each QEST and FORMATS paper.

The registration is for attendance at the keynotes, tutorials and workshops on Monday 17th September and both QEST/FORMATS keynotes and talks on 18th - 20th September. The fee includes official proceedings, refreshments and lunches throughout all 4 days, reception on the 17th September, social event on the 18th (details announced later) and conference banquet on the 19th. There are no additional processing fees.
There is a separate workshops/tutorial registration for 105 GBP for attendance at the keynotes, tutorials and workshops on Monday 17th September and includes refreshments, lunches and the reception in the evening on Monday 17th September.
For any further information including special requests, visa invitation letters and refunds (possible until 15th August), please contact the local organiser Anton Stefanek (


Organized by

Imperial College London

In cooperation